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The enterprise is sincerely looking forward to clients from both home and abroad to visit and give instructions so as to collaborate for shared success!

我们的愿景:做全球行业的领跑者 努力打造世界级品牌 建设世界级企业
Our vision: to be the leader of the global industry. Strive to create a global brand and establish a world-level enterprise.

核心价值观:责任 创新 超越
Core value: responsibility, innovation, transcending

企业宗旨:对员工负责 对企业负责 对社会负责
Corporate motto: be responsible for the employees, the enterprise and the society

经营理念:以人为本 诚信兴业 科技领先 竞争全球
Operational concept: humanism, honesty to boost enterprise, leading high-tech, winning global competition

企业精神:同舟共济 敬业奉献 居危思进 超越自我
Corporate spirits: mutual support, dedication and sacrifice, awareness of risks, constant transcending

企业作风:从严务实 团队协作 用心服务 快捷高效
Corporate demeanor: practical and strict, teamwork, dedicated service, swift and efficient

行为准则:爱党爱国 热爱企业 遵纪守法 诚实守信 学习创新 履行职责团结协作 用心服务 安全生产 勤俭节约 文明礼貌 讲究卫生
Behavioral norms: patriotic, love the enterprise, disciplined, honest, learning and innovative, responsible, collaborative, dedicated service, safe production, thrift and saving, polite and hygienic.

发展观:战略驱动 自主创造 精细管理
Development view: strategic initiation, independent creation, precise management

Innovation view: everyone is able to create a miracle

Safety view: safety is given top priority in production.

Quality view: quality is what the enterprise survives on.

Service view: deeming the following process as the customer of the previous one.

Environment view: environment leads to competitiveness.


舟山市定海区金塘镇沿港北路95号          联系电话:86-580-8051789,86-580-8056138        邮箱:sales@jlscerews.com

COPYRIGHT©2018-2019 舟山市稼隆螺杆制造有限公司 ALL RIGHT RESERVED

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